Control a herd of charming creatures called Trebhum and explore an unforgettable alien world filled with exotic lifeforms and surreal environments. Discover dozens of mutations to overcome puzzles, explore new biomes, and survive on a dangerous planet.
- 发行日期
- 13 October, 2024
- 类别目录
- 单人, Family Sharing, Family Sharing, Family Sharing, Family Sharing, Family Sharing, Family Sharing, Family Sharing
- 类型
- 动作, 冒险
- 已支持语言
- 英语*, 法语, 德语, 意大利语, 葡萄牙语-巴西, 俄语, 西班牙语-西班牙, 简体中文
* 音讯全面支持的语言
- 开发者们
- ACE Team
- 发行商
- Good Shepherd Entertainment
- 官网
- 客服网站
- 客服网站