Stars in the Trash brings the magic of animated movie classics into a narrative-driven platformer that combines action, exploration and puzzles. Tired of feeling trapped at home, Moka, a spoiled cat decides to run away and seek adventure. Explore, make friends, fight, and escape from the kennelman.
- 发行日期
- 9 December, 2024
- 类别目录
- 单人, Family Sharing, Family Sharing, Family Sharing, Family Sharing, Family Sharing, Family Sharing, Family Sharing
- 类型
- 冒险, 独立
- 已支持语言
- 英语*, 简体中文*, 法语*, 德语*, 西班牙语-西班牙*, 俄语*, 韩语*, 日语*
* 音讯全面支持的语言
- 开发者们
- Valhalla Cats
- 发行商
- Valhalla Cats, IndieArk
- 官网
- 客服网站
- 客服网站