Create full-body motion capture using custom avatars and VR hardware. Include facecap, lipsync, eye tracking and more. Export entire mocap scenes directly to Blender using built-in automation - from recording to rendering in minutes!
- 发行日期
- 17 December, 2024
- 类别目录
- 单人, 多人, Tracked Controller Support, Tracked Controller Support, Tracked Controller Support, Tracked Controller Support, Tracked Controller Support, Tracked Controller Support, Tracked Controller Support, Tracked Controller Support, Tracked Controller Support, Tracked Controller Support, Tracked Controller Support, Tracked Controller Support, Tracked Controller Support, Tracked Controller Support, Tracked Controller Support, Tracked Controller Support, Tracked Controller Support, Tracked Controller Support, Tracked Controller Support, Tracked Controller Support, VR Only, VR Only, VR Only, VR Only, VR Only, VR Only, VR Only
- 类型
- 模拟, 休闲
- 已支持语言
- 英语
* 音讯全面支持的语言
- 开发者们
- Animation Prep Studios
- 发行商
- Brave Cinema Entertainment LLC
- 官网
- 客服网站
- 客服网站