Earth's Shadow is a third person action Sci-Fi dungeon crawler set in the year 3081 on planet Sumbra; a remote alien planet where legends of valuable relics surround this black world, calling to the greedy and brave explorers seeking a bright future... but end up uncovering an even darker past.
- 发行日期
- 31 January, 2024
- 类别目录
- 单人, Family Sharing, Family Sharing, Family Sharing, Family Sharing, Family Sharing, Family Sharing, Family Sharing
- 类型
- 动作, 角色扮演
- 已支持语言
- 英语*
* 音讯全面支持的语言
- 开发者们
- WRF Studios
- 发行商
- WRF Studios
- 客服网站
- 客服网站