Hear the call of adventure and riches! Create the most feared and celebrated company of privateers on the high seas. Establish large trade networks. Plunder, capture, or destroy your adversaries!
- 发行日期
- September 2024
- 类别
- 单人
- 类型
- 动作, 策略
- 已支持语言
- 英语*, 法语*, 意大利语*, 德语*, 西班牙语-西班牙*, 波兰语*, Portuguese - Portugal*, Portuguese - Portugal*, Portuguese - Portugal*, Portuguese - Portugal*, Portuguese - Portugal*, Portuguese - Portugal*, Portuguese - Portugal*, Portuguese - Portugal*, Portuguese - Portugal*, Portuguese - Portugal*, Portuguese - Portugal*, Portuguese - Portugal*, Portuguese - Portugal*, Portuguese - Portugal*, Portuguese - Portugal*, Portuguese - Portugal*
* 音讯全面支持的语言
- 开发者
- Jordan Freeman Group, Microids, ZOOM Platform Media, ZOOM Platform Media, ZOOM Platform Media, ZOOM Platform Media
- 发行商
- Microids
- 客服网站