Battle for Wesnoth 价格

最新版本: 20 五月 2024, 08:44
Battle for Wesnoth 价格

产品 价钱

Battle for Wesnoth 销售、折扣和价格比较集中在一处!

我们跟踪来自 0 家商店的数千种产品,以找到 Battle for Wesnoth 和其他游戏的最优惠价格。对于某些商店,我们甚至提供折扣优惠券代码,以帮助您以更低的价格购买 Battle for Wesnoth

免费获取 Battle for Wesnoth - 有可能吗?

即使 Battle for Wesnoth 免费下载不太可能,您也可以利用我们的价格比较引擎并立即找到最优惠的价格,或者创建价格提醒并在 Battle for Wesnoth 打折并达到您想要的价格时收到通知。

我可以在我所在的地区激活 Battle for Wesnoth 吗?

大多数分发平台(如 Steam)对每个游戏都有区域限制和不同的价格:例如,美国客户的 Battle for Wesnoth 比阿根廷的客户花费更多,但美国的客户无法激活阿根廷的 Battle for Wesnoth 密钥。

我们在过滤器和 Battle for Wesnoth 优惠列表中的“区域”下显示此区域限制信息。例如,“Battle for Wesnoth Global”意味着它可以在任何国家/地区激活,“Battle for Wesnoth Europe”——仅限欧洲,“Battle for Wesnoth Japan”——仅限日本。

但是,有些商店不提供区域信息,因此确保 Battle for Wesnoth 在您所在地区被激活的最佳方法是访问商店的产品页面:价格旁边总会有一个特殊块显示是否可以是否在您所在的国家/地区激活。

官方商店和keyshops 的Battle for Wesnoth 优惠有什么区别?

官方商店直接从游戏开发商或发行商那里获得 Battle for Wesnoth 密钥,而密钥商店则从未知来源转售密钥。

Keyshop 通常比官方商店便宜,但风险更大。我们建议先阅读 keyshops 和卖家的客户评论。此外,大多数钥匙店都有买家保护计划,以保证在 Battle for Wesnoth 钥匙不起作用的情况下退款。


The Battle for Wesnoth is an open source, turn-based strategy game with a high fantasy theme. Explore the four corners of Irdya in seventeen solo campaigns and dozens of multiplayer maps, taking part in countless adventures as you go.

1 May, 2023
单人, 多人, 玩家对战, 在线玩家对战, "跨平台联机游戏"
Free to Play, 独立, 策略
英语, 意大利语, 西班牙语-西班牙, 法语, 捷克语, 日语, 简体中文, 波兰语, 德语, 匈牙利语, 俄语, 繁体中文, 土耳其语, 葡萄牙语-巴西, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal, Portuguese - Portugal
* 音讯全面支持的语言
The Battle for Wesnoth Project
Wesnoth Inc.


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