Alchera A Struggle for Life steward in an alternate universe, sees a portal at the end of the cave during an operation, wondering and approaching the steward. He enters the portal and finds himself in an age where god and his soldiers rule the earth, his goal is to find the portal and save himself.
- 发行日期
- 16 July, 2024
- 类别目录
- 单人, Family Sharing, Family Sharing, Family Sharing, Family Sharing, Family Sharing, Family Sharing, Family Sharing
- 类型
- 动作, 冒险, 独立, 休闲
- 已支持语言
- 英语
* 音讯全面支持的语言
- 开发者们
- Unisclord Game Studio
- 发行商
- Unisclord Game Studio
- 客服网站