A point-and-click adventure with innovative detective mechanics. Help Ollie, a fledgling reporter on his first day at the Signal & Echo newspaper, to solve the mystery behind a schoolgirl's disappearance. Developed by an ex-journalist.
执行Signal & Echo: Iris is Missing (demo)至少需要 64 MB 内存记忆体.
Pentium or higher 是执行Signal & Echo: Iris is Missing (demo)的最低配置需求。
安装此游戏至少需要150 MB 记忆体。
你需要320 x 200, 32-bit colour或更强的显示卡。
执行此游戏需要Version 5.2 或更新版本。
是,只要符合上述基本需求 。
Signal & Echo: Iris is Missing (demo) 发行日期是 2 November, 2023.